Monday, April 9, 2012

Angels CAN Fly!

Dear Readers,

Good Morning!  I have survived yet another Holy Week here in Mexico!  Since last Monday literally  thousands of Mexican nationals descended upon the beaches here in Sayulita.  It is beautiful to see the joy and happiness as huge families and groups of friends gather to eat, drink, dance, and have lots of fun.  

I have a very wonderful friend, who in the spirit of pure generosity and love has shared the answers to the five questions on what happiness means to him.   He has chosen to use the name Anonymous T.

1. How do you find happiness?
Fundamentally speaking, I do not believe it is possible to "find" happiness, since it is a state of feeling/being produced by the "in the moment" thoughts in one's mind  in the instant present.  

2. What does happiness mean to you?
When I feel some degree of happiness.. I know all is right with myself and the universal collective conscience at that moment.  Degrees of happiness for me, fall in a continuum from a Ticklish smile to pure absolute joy with goose bumps with a total sense of contentment. 

3. Share a happy moment
For me, there are too numerous to mention, even in one day, as every moment I am grateful for recognizing a gift I have been given, I am happy. I try to stay grateful for my surrounding life elements.  But I will say, an inner sense of instant connected happiness occurs when my mind is in the present moment enough to: recognize a "love bump" from the universe, in the form of a bird, hawk, butterfly, insect, pet of any kind, tree, the wave of a palm frond,( angel wing to me), ALL acknowledging our connected existence. And I am grateful to KNOW this connection is real.

4. How do you remain happy in a happy/joyous state of mind?
Staying aware of the present  display of life surrounding you, as stated above, BY staying OUT of your daily routine thoughts of the next future moment,and the  past ones.

5. What makes you feel happy?
KNOWING, that angels can fly, because they take themselves lightly.

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